null 1c. GAITS Capabilities

1c. GAITS Capabilities

Teams and portfolio managers input data into 10 Milestones along 4 Domain pathways of the Healthcare Innovation Cycle. That data powers the capabilities of GAITS.

  1. Guiding: GAITS provides an open source resource to the innovation community. It provides descriptions of the deliverables at the intersection of each milestone and domain along with resources to help them complete them. It is configured to reflect the differences in fields (e.g. HealthTech, Pharma, Health IT, etc.) and expectations of unique customers. (e.g. Military) The resources (e.g. descriptions, videos, templates, examples, etc.) are curated, peer-rated, and open source to present teams with the ones that are most effective in helping complete each deliverable.
  2. Planning & Tracking: For sponsored teams, GAITS provides a secure site to plan and track a project’s progress in completing deliverables and measuring impact through a balanced scorecard of real-time and lagging metrics. In addition to the core set of Deliverables, teams can define project specific Deliverables aligned with their unique aims. They then track progress and upload completed deliverables to create a secure, structured longitudinal record of decisions, assumptions, data, and more. They can share this “Innovation Record” with new team members, advisors, as well as future funders~/ collaborators. Portfolio managers can assign reviewers to any deliverable to provide an assessment and feedback on the quality of the work. 
  3. Reporting: GAITS allows teams to capture a funder’s reporting fields as they go to simplify the reporting process. Project specific data is made available to teams through a variety of visual displays, allowing teams to quickly convey the status of a project. Displays include team progress (status snap-shots, Gantt charts, etc.), summaries, and temporal progress of impact metrics. The same data is rolled-up to offer portfolio views for managers at multiple levels. Portfolio managers have filterable views to gain deeper insights into their projects. Once we have enough data, portfolio managers will be able to compare all or a subset of their projects to a collection of comparable de-identified projects.
  4. Analyzing: CIMIT and our collaborators may be most excited about the opportunity that a large, structured database of high quality data can provide in studying and improving the process of innovation in healthcare. Statistical analysis of the portfolios is planned to generate correlations and insight on the innovation process. Benchmarking of portfolios will help establish best practices in selecting and supporting teams advancing healthcare innovations. All the learnings will be integrated into GAITS. 

1a. Healthcare Innovation Cycle

The Healthcare Innovation Cycle is based on CIMIT's experience supporting more than 600 projects over its 20-year history. Ler Mais Sobre 1a. Healthcare Innovation Cycle »

1b. GAITS Overview

GAITS is an online platform that enables teams and portfolio managers to put the experiences of others in navigating the journey of healthcare innovation into action. Ler Mais Sobre 1b. GAITS Overview »

1c. GAITS Capabilities

Teams and portfolio managers input data into 10 Milestones along 4 Domain pathways of the Healthcare Innovation Cycle. That data powers the capabilities of GAITS. Ler Mais Sobre 1c. GAITS Capabilities »