Our centers
Atlanta Center for Microsystems Engineered Point-of-Care Technologies
Focus: To develop and translate microsystems-engineered technologies including microchip-enabled devices that include microelectromechanical systems (MEMs)-based sensors, microfluidics, and smartphone-based systems.
ACME-POCT is focused on the development and translation of microsystems-engineered technologies including microchip-enabled devices that include microelectromechanical systems (MEMs)-based sensors, microfluidics, and smartphone-based systems. These microdevices are notable for their small size, batch manufacturability, and low power requirements, which are vital for POC testing. The overall mission of the ACME-POCT is to assist and enable inventors and clinicians at a national level who have developed or are developing microsystems-based POC technologies to define their clinical needs, conduct clinical validation, and refine their technology with the objective of accelerating the path to translation and clinical adoption and directly addressing the barriers thereof.