6.20 Webinar Feedback - Home - dnosis
- d’octubre 23, 2019
admin nam ha pujat un nou document, nhatrang-city (1).pdf. Descarrega el fitxer Ves a la carpeta -
- de juliol 11, 2019
- de juliol 9, 2019
Andreu Oliver ha pujat un nou document, Pitch Dnosis - New.pdf. Descarrega el fitxer Ves a la carpeta
Fòrums de discussió
6.20 Webinar Feedback
Marshall Collins, modificat fa 5 anys.
6.20 Webinar Feedback
Youngling Apunts: 10 Data d'incorporació: 28/3/18 Publicacions recents
- well done getting into the cpt codes
- identified the 1 hr test for coding and coverage section
- difference between screening (high volume) to specialized use
- willingness to pay is what they'd pay on a scale, likelihood of them at each price point
- slide is more based on reimbursement pathway
- clarify the indiciation: where are you between broad screen and specialized screen
- if specialized, what goes into that decision?
- pediatrician has concern, then makes decision to use tool/send child to location with the tool?
- look back to value prop now that you understand payment system, see where, and who fits
- started saying focus on initial and early diagnosis, now solution seems to fit in the middle of referral
- what could be the trigger to bring a parent in? Same issue as currently is out there
- identified the 1 hr test for coding and coverage section
- difference between screening (high volume) to specialized use
- willingness to pay is what they'd pay on a scale, likelihood of them at each price point
- slide is more based on reimbursement pathway
- clarify the indiciation: where are you between broad screen and specialized screen
- if specialized, what goes into that decision?
- pediatrician has concern, then makes decision to use tool/send child to location with the tool?
- look back to value prop now that you understand payment system, see where, and who fits
- started saying focus on initial and early diagnosis, now solution seems to fit in the middle of referral
- what could be the trigger to bring a parent in? Same issue as currently is out there